Principal's Message

Dear BMS Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Your role as a parent is vital to the success of your child and his/her teachers. I invite you to become involved with our school by participating in programs and activities, establishing good communication with your child and the teachers, and creating a productive environment to study at home. Through email communications, our BMS website, our student management system, and notes sent home, we will make every effort to keep you updated with what is happening at school. Please think about joining the BMS Accountability Committee to be a voice in helping to make decisions for our school.
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a reference for understanding the policies and procedures governing BMS. This handbook is written as a guide to help answer questions you may have about the school and our expectations for students. The handbook is composed of two sections: the school section and the district policy section. Please take the time to review both sections of the handbook. By becoming familiar with the contents of this handbook, you will be better able to address issues or concerns with your child and with staff. We look forward to working with you and your students this year. The BMS staff appreciates your support, cooperation, and encouragement. Here’s to a wonderful and productive year!
Marcia Hoerl
BMS Principal
BMS Principal