Happy Staff Appreciation Week!

District leaders helped highlight our appreciation for the professionals who take care of our young learners with visits to each of the schools early in the week.

Superintendent Leon Hanhardt, Assistant Superintendent Bill Hesford, Human Resources Director Sam Hogue and Board Chairman Rebecca Parnell came bearing gifts, as they distributed Wolverine shirts and totes to staff members with a card of thanks that included this quote from renowned teacher and scientist E.P. Bertin: “It is not what is poured into the student but what is planted that counts.”

Each building held their own recognitions for staff members this week, and in many instances parents and students were invited to participate.

At Bayfield High School, Principal Amy Miglinas encouraged parents to think about staff members who have made a significant difference for their children and reach out to tell them thanks, while Bayfield Middle School asked folks to drop off contributions for a Snack Room that was offered to teachers. With the busy end-of-the-year schedule in full swing, team members were happy to scoop up the grab-n-go snacks (beef jerky, snack crackers, popcorn, cookies, cupcakes, etc.) left in appreciation for them.

Hungry staffers also benefited from breakfasts provided by the Bayfield Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), pastries and even a Nacho Bar at BMS. The team at Bayfield Primary School will be dueling it out in a Rock, Scissors, Paper tournament to end their week.

These small and simple — but meaningful — recognitions were greatly appreciated by staff, and we appreciate the community’s participation in recognizing the valuable contributions of the professionals who have served our students so well this school year.

Happy Staff Appreciation Week and thank you for all that you do for our Bayfield School District students.

Remember, we are Bayfield…We are Wolverines!